ASHRAE Standard 140 Resource Files

Section 10 Accompanying Files

The folder \Std140_HE_Files\Normative Materials contains the following electronic files for use with the Space Heating Equipment Performance tests of Section 10.

  • HE100W.WY2: WYEC2 weather data with constant ODB = -30 C
  • HE120W.WY2: WYEC2 weather data with constant ODB = 0 C
  • HE130W.WY2: WYEC2 weather data with constant ODB = 20 C
  • HE140W.WY2: WYEC2 weather data with sinusoidally varying ODB over each 24-hour period from -20 C to 20 C
  • HE210W.WY2: WYEC2 realistic weather data from a cold climate.
  • The format of WYEC2 data is described in Annex A1 of the Standard.

  • Std140_HE_Output.xls: Spreadsheet Standard Output Report for entering results. Instructions for the Standard Output Reports are included in Annex A2 of the Standard.

  • S140outNotes.TXT: Standard Output Report for entering modeling notes. Instructions for the Standard Output Reports are included in Annex A2 of the Standard. See S140outNotes_Examples.TXT (in the corresponding “\Informative Materials” subfolder) for example modeling notes.

The folder \Std140_HE_Files\Informative Materials contains the following electronic files for use with the Space Heating Equipment Performance tests of Section 10.

  • Std140_HE_Results.pdf: File with the example results as described in Informative Annex B16, Section B16.6 of the Standard.

  • Std140_HE_Results.xlsx: Spreadsheet that contains the example results indicated in Informative Annex B16, Section B16.6 of the Standard. New results can be added to this file and will be automatically included in the summary tables and figures to facilitate comparison with the example results. This file is described in Informative Annex B10.

  • Std140_HE_Results.docx: Documentation for navigating Std140_HE_Results.xlsx.

  • S140outNotes_Examples.TXT: Example modeling notes.

The subfolder \InputFiles_HE contains input files for the IEA participant results listed in Informative Annex B16.

README-BEFORE-VIEWING-INPUT-FILES.DOCX: Review this file before opening the input files.

The following lower-tier subfolders contain input files used for the listed simulation program’s example results.

  • Subfolder: Simulation Program
  • \DOE-2: DOE-2.1E, JJHirsch version c133
  • \ENERGYPLUS: EnergyPlus
  • \ESP-r: ESP-r/H3K versions 1.1 (Tier 1 tests) and 1.7 (Tier 2 tests).