Example Files
Examples provided here are for illustrative purposes only. While CBOR is the official representation format defined by ASHRAE Standard 205, it is sometime convenient to view and edit representation data in other formats. All other file formats must be translated to CBOR for use in application software. Routines for converting between the file formats are included in Toolkit 205.
Each example represntation is provided in four formats:
- CBOR: CBOR is machine-readable, but not human-readable.
- XLSX: Convenient spreadsheet format for viewing and editing representation data (see XLSX Templates for empty examples for creating new representations).
- JSON: A common, human-and-machine-readable data exchange format.
- YAML: An alterntaive common, human-and-machine-readable data exchange format.
RS0001: Liquid-Cooled Chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'AA': 150.0-300.0 ton, 5.55 COP, 5.90 IPLV liquid-cooled, centrifugal compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'AB': 300.0+ ton, 6.10 COP, 6.40 IPLV liquid-cooled, centrifugal compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'C': 0.0-75.0 ton, 4.69 COP, 5.86 IPLV liquid-cooled, positive displacement compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'D': 75.0-150.0 ton, 4.88 COP, 6.28 IPLV liquid-cooled, positive displacement compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'E': 150.0-300.0 ton, 5.33 COP, 6.51 IPLV liquid-cooled, positive displacement compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'F': 300.0-600.0 ton, 5.77 COP, 6.76 IPLV liquid-cooled, positive displacement compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'G': 600.0+ ton, 6.28 COP, 7.03 IPLV liquid-cooled, positive displacement compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'H': 0.0-300.0 ton, 5.77 COP, 6.39 IPLV liquid-cooled, centrifugal compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'I': 300.0-400.0 ton, 6.28 COP, 6.76 IPLV liquid-cooled, centrifugal compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'J': 400.0+ ton, 6.28 COP, 7.03 IPLV liquid-cooled, centrifugal compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'M': 0.0-75.0 ton, 4.51 COP, 7.03 IPLV liquid-cooled, positive displacement compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'N': 75.0-150.0 ton, 4.69 COP, 7.18 IPLV liquid-cooled, positive displacement compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'O': 150.0-300.0 ton, 5.17 COP, 7.99 IPLV liquid-cooled, positive displacement compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'P': 300.0-600.0 ton, 5.63 COP, 8.58 IPLV liquid-cooled, positive displacement compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'Q': 600.0+ ton, 6.01 COP, 9.25 IPLV liquid-cooled, positive displacement compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'R': 0.0-150.0 ton, 5.06 COP, 7.99 IPLV liquid-cooled, centrifugal compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'S': 150.0-300.0 ton, 5.54 COP, 8.79 IPLV liquid-cooled, centrifugal compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'T': 300.0-400.0 ton, 5.91 COP, 9.02 IPLV liquid-cooled, centrifugal compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'U': 400.0+ ton, 6.01 COP, 9.25 IPLV liquid-cooled, centrifugal compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'V': 0.0-150.0 ton, 4.45 COP, 5.20 IPLV liquid-cooled, positive displacement compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'X': 150.0-300.0 ton, 4.90 COP, 5.60 IPLV liquid-cooled, positive displacement compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'Y': 300.0+ ton, 5.50 COP, 6.15 IPLV liquid-cooled, positive displacement compressor chiller
ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Addendum 'bd' curve set 'Z': 0.0-150.0 ton, 5.00 COP, 5.25 IPLV liquid-cooled, centrifugal compressor chiller
Water-Cooled Chiller with Constant Efficiency
RS0002: Unitary Cooling Air-Conditioning Equipment
Unitary System with Constant Efficiency
2 speed, 3.0 ton, 14.3 SEER2 air conditioner
RS0003: Fan Assembly
1200 cfm Electronically Commutated Motor (ECM) fan (0.300 W/cfm @ 0.50 in. H2O)
RS0004: Air-to-Air Direct Expansion Refrigerant System
DX System with Constant Efficiency
DX System with two-stage cooling
36.6 kBtu/h, 3.65 COP, 0.73 SHR cooling coil
RS0005: Motor
Electric Motor with Constant Efficiency
Placeholder motor representation (performance characterized in parent RS0003 fan assembly)
RS0006: Electronic Motor Drive
Electronic Motor Drive with Constant Efficiency
RS0007: Mechanical Drive
Mechanical V-Belt Drive with Constant Efficiency